Public Speaking and writing...we represent the industry well and can help you do the same!
Opportunity Knocks at the Door of Assisted Living. The American Dietetic Association; National Conference, Anaheim .
Culinary Services—Best Practices! Assisted Living Federation of America; National Conference, Las Vegas.
Food Services: A Risk Management Approach and Dining Issues in Assisted Living. Northwest Assisted Living Federation of America; Annual State Conferences for four consecutive years.
The Culinary Experience: Flavors of Success California Assisted Living Federation of America; Annual State Conference.
Foodservice Policy and Survey Issues in Assisted Living. Northwest Assisted Living Federation of America; Provider Training Series for Washington State.
Foodservice IS the Bottom Line. Washington Healthcare Association; State Conference for Assisted Living and Boarding Homes.
Assisted Living Today, Contributing writer.
USA Today, Quoted as an expert in taste preferences and trends in Senior Dining.